Disaster Research Days 2024 - Shaping the future of science and research for disaster risk reduction
Disaster Risk Reduction policies are designed to holistically manage natural and human-made hazards holistically, focusing on effective prevention, preparedness, and response to disasters. These policies are manifested through a complex network of interconnected frameworks and legal instruments encompassing decisions, directives, communications, strategies, and plans. These initiatives span various EU directorates and intergovernmental agencies.
Within the EU, UN as well as national institutions a dynamic disaster risk management dialogue occurs at both research and policy levels. This dialogue involves key institutional actors, sectoral policies, and funding instruments, underscoring the necessity for enhanced coordination among existing and emerging initiatives.
The Disaster Research Days 2024 aim to advance this discourse by convening scientists, practitioners, risk managers, policymakers, and local communities. The event will showcase the latest research findings and innovative solutions aimed at enhancing societal resilience. Participants will engage in knowledge-sharing, tool development, and strategy formulation, addressing the multifaceted challenges of disaster risk reduction.
Join us at this year's Disaster Research Days in Vienna and contribute to shaping the future landscape of science and research for disaster risk reduction. The event serves as a crucial platform for fostering collaboration, strengthening partnerships, and driving forward the integrated approaches essential for effective disaster risk mitigation and management.
Participation is free of charge. The registration is closed until further notice.
Practical information
- When: Tuesday 8 October 2024, 10:00 – Thursday 10 October 2024, 17:00 (CEST)
- Where: Austrian National Library, Josefsplatz 1, 1010 Vienna, Austria
- The event is free of charge, meals and drinks will be provided during all event days.
- Language: English (interpretation during the conference will not be provided)
- Find more event info on the European Commission website
Disaster Research Days 2024 - DRD24 - is a joint event by the European Commission’s Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s European Science and Technology Advisory Group (E-STAG) and co-hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education and the Disaster Competence Network Austria.