Project Management
1.1.2022 - 31.12.2023
Contact person
René Kastner
B.PREPARED has set itself the goal of designing an emergency planning and decision-making support system for accidents involving hazardous substances for the decision-makers in the authorities, which uses preparatory data collection, ongoing updating of the threat situation based on reference scenarios, information exchange with local forces, and risk forecasts created using model calculations.
The basis for this is the design of processes that are derived from reference scenarios and involve all users who are dealing with the situation, suitable methods for determining the source term, and the situation-adapted use of model calculations for the risk forecast, also taking into account relevant influencing factors for built-up areas. The greatest focus is placed on creating processes in such a way that their acceptance by the actors is guaranteed and the uncertainties resulting from the preparation of the forecast can be appropriately taken into account in the decision-making process. In the form of a laboratory prototype realization of a portal in interaction with a staff and situation management system, the suitability of the developed reference processes for the interaction of authorities and emergency services is tested.
Project partners:
- Magistratsdirektion der Stadt Graz, Sicherheitsmanagement und Bevölkerungsschutz
- Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung
- Berufsfeuerwehr Graz, Abteilung Katastrophenschutz und Feuerwehr
- Berufsfeuerwehr Wien (Magistratsabteilung 68)
- Chemiepark Linz Betriebsfeuerwehr GmbH
- Oö. Landes-Feuerwehrverband
- Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
- Disaster Competence Network Austria
- IRIS - Industrial Risk and Safety Solutions e.U.
- Hexagon