Project Management
Telesto Technologies
European Commission
Contact Person
Laura Essl
Biotoxins pose significant crisis management challenges, as existing protocols do not fully address the complex nature of a biotoxin crisis. The EU-funded EMBRACE project aims to enhance Europe’s response to biotoxin incidents. By consolidating operational, scientific, clinical and technological knowledge, the project seeks to update response protocols and provide tailored disaster response solutions. Work includes analysing new biotoxins, providing evidence-based recommendations for effective first responder protection and site decontamination, identifying human biomarkers of exposure, creating portable diagnostic devices, and developing software tools for risk assessment and source modelling, with interoperability enhanced through a focus on standardisation. The project will establish a pan-European biotoxin knowledge network and Biotoxin Task Force, supported by a biotoxin reference and stakeholder hub to facilitate knowledge exchange.
Representatives of civil protection authorities, first responders, crisis management practitioners, product developers, technologists and research scientists with an interest in biotoxin incident resilience, and new sampling, diagnostic, detection and analytical methods are invited to join the EMBRACE community.
Project partners:
- Telesto Technologies Pliroforikis Kai Epikoinonion Epe (Projekt coordinator)
- Disaster Competence Network Austria
- Austrian Red Cross
- Pompiers De L'urgence Internationale
- Medical University Graz
- Helsingin Yliopisto
- Saitama Medical University Educational Corporation
- Biotalentum Tudasfejleszto Kft
- Airsense Analytics Gmbh
- Mobility Ion Technologies Sl
- Prometech Bv
- Ianus Technologies Ltd
- The Lisbon Council For Economic Competitiveness Asbl
- Technologicka Platforma Energetickabezpecnost Cr Zs
- Ceska Agentura Pro Standardizaci
- Urad Pre Normalizaciu, Metrologiu A Skusobnictvo Slovenskej Republiky
Associated Partners:
- Resilience Advisors Ltd
- Bioxhale Ltd