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People with disabilities, children, the elderly, individuals with language barriers, and other population groups are particularly vulnerable during floods, heat waves, blackouts etc. and should, thus, receive special protection. The VULKANO research project, using selected best practice examples, provides strategies to achieve this and highlights areas where further action is needed. The aim is to better incorporate vulnerable groups into disaster and emergency plans at the local level.
DCNA has joined another KIRAS project at the beginning of the year: EMERDEC deals with the question of how emergency services make decisions in highly critical situations and how digital support systems can optimally accompany them. The aim is to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of decision-making in order to create the technological and ethical foundations for the next generation of decision support systems.
Since January 1, 2025, DCNA is part of another EU-project: COLLARIS2 focuses on the use of UAS (e.g., drones) in the field of civil protection and disaster management. Building upon the results of the COLLARIS Network, this project aims to continue, expand and further develop the already established international network in the field of UAS.