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On March 22nd and 23rd, 2022, the first workshop in the KIRAS-funded B.PREPARED project – aimed at emergency planning and decision support system for accidents involving hazardous substances – took place in the premises of the Upper Austrian provincial fire brigade command in Linz. The aim of this workshop was to work on central issues of the work packages together with the entire project consortium and external stakeholders and thus to consolidate the basis of the project. The workshop was held in a hybrid form, which worked excellently thanks to the infrastructure of the venue.
DRYADS, a large-scale EU Green Deal project, brings together a consortium of 46 partners from 13 European countries and Taiwan, in the fight against wildfires. DRYADS will increase the effectiveness of enhanced sustainable fire and forest management under changing climate conditions, by building upon state-of-the-art high TRL products and latest innovations in fields covering all three stages of fire management -namely fire prevention and preparedness, detection and response, restoration and adaptation - and uniting them under the umbrella of a holistic Fire Management Platform Ecosystem. DRYADS will capitalise on expert knowledge and EU initiatives, but also address the need for proactive governance, change of forest management practices, community-based awareness and preparedness activities, where local communities and bio-economy sectors will play a central role.
Another new project is EASIER - Enabling and Assessing Trust when Cooperating with Robots in Disaster Response.
EASIER (funded by FFG KIRAS) investigates the interaction between humans and robots (Human Robot Interaction, Human Machine Teaming) in crisis management. An interdisciplinary team of psychologists, visualization experts, roboticists and emergency responders is investigating how the cognitive load on emergency responders can be reduced and how trust in robotic systems can be increased.