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The next exciting project is called B.PREPARED: B.PREPARED has set itself the goal of designing an emergency planning and decision-making support system for accidents involving hazardous substances for the decision-makers in the authorities, which is supported by preparatory data collection, ongoing updating of the threat profile based on reference scenarios, information exchange risk forecasts prepared with on-site personnel and using model calculations based on the current state of information for decision-making.
We are pleased to be able to participate in another great project with numerous project partners: The EU project DRYADS is dedicated to the development of a holistic forest fire fighting platform that includes all three phases of forest fire management - prevention, fighting, renaturation.
From October 12th to 14th, the Disaster Research Days #drd22 will take place at the University of Innsbruck. The call for abstracts is now open. The most interesting contributions will be peer-reviewed and included as an oral presentation in the conference program and in the proceedings. All others are invited to present their contribution during the poster session. Selected articles will be published in a special issue of the International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction.