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As part of the EU network project COVALEX, we will be running an online hackathon, starting on July 22, 2024. The aim is to develop an IT tool that addresses the challenges of data interoperability in disaster management, especially for hydrometeorological risks (floods, storms, droughts, etc.). The winning team will be invited to the Disaster Research Days 2024.
Hazard and risk are two fundamental concepts in disaster management that are often unclearly differentiated from one another. The focus is often on the analysis of hazards, while the analysis of risks and their perception are neglected in disaster management.
Since the beginning of 2024, DCNA has been part of a new KIRAS-funded research project: NIKE-ROBComm will develop components that allow a swarm of robots and drones to navigate and operate in urban environments (sometimes without a GNSS signal).