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  • Science and practise in Italian Civil Protection

Science and practise in Italian Civil Protection

by Isabel Anger

BORIS2 Interview

How is science intertwined with Italian CivilProtection? In the context of the EU project BORIS2, we spoke with Daniela Di Bucci (Italian National Civil Protection Department) and Aldo Primiero (Friuli-Venezia Giulia Civil Protection) about this topic, about cross-border and cross-project collaboration, and the interviewees' expectations towards BORIS2. They shared their thoughts and experiences on

  • the involvement of the scientific community in civil protection in Italy,
  • the impact of science on civil protection on a national level,
  • the scope of day-to-day collaboration across borders
  • the expected outcomes of BORIS2 and how they can benefit their work, and
  • possible synergies with other projects such as ROADMAP2.

Read the complete interview on the UCPKN platform >

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