Susanna Wernhart

Dipl.-Ing. Susanna Wernhart

Susanna Wernhart has been working in the field of natural hazards research in a wide variety of national and international research projects since 2013 and as a lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), at the Institute for Alpine Natural Hazards. Her professional background includes the prevention, management, and documentation of natural hazard events, with a focus on target group-specific risk communication, personal precautions and building protection, event documentation, flood risk assessments, and 2D simulations.

At the DCNA, she is currently involved in the BORIS project as a research assistant.



Office Vienna: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien I Schwackhöferhaus, 3. Stock |  Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 | A-1190 Wien 
